By practicing these 10 secrets, you will be able to have a simpler, more comfortable, and unique life. People who have busy days do not pay attention to the way of daily life.
Living a simple life doesn't necessarily mean giving up on
Eames chairs or the annual IKEA troupe or moving to a hut in the forest to be
self-sufficient. Conversely, a simple life is about clarifying what you really
like and what you are doing so that you can spend time, energy and money for
what is important to you. No matter where you live in your home, life can be
simple and comfortable by clearing up cluttered things, learning new habits,
and rethinking priorities. Read the 10 methods below to get started.
1. Warming Up for a Simple Life
Take a little time to think about what you really want to
get by simplifying your life at home. Imagine how simple it would be to change
your house or routine.
Maybe the room is bigger and cleaner? Maybe I want more
time? Maybe it will reduce frustration? If you have any thoughts, feelings, or
ideas that suddenly came to you, write them down in a diary or notebook.
2. Display what you care about (clean up the rest)
Start with a small step. Is there a box with old photos that
makes you feel warm every time you look at it? Pick a favorite and put it in
the frame. Use every Saturday morning for 10 minutes to clear up the mess and
take it to a charity when the box is full. Little by little, you can make your
home surrounded by what is important to you.
3. Incorporate the $ 100 Rule
Keeping things, you don't want in your home is as important
as or more than disposing of things you already have too much. The $ 100 rule
is easy. If you want to buy something, first ask yourself whether it is $ 100. This
is to avoid buying any small object by inertia. Any amount of money can be set.
Make it the amount you feel is high. For me $ 100 is just a good standard, but
it can be higher or lower.
4. Simple Appearance
When you open a cupboard or closet, it tends to look messy when it is packed with objects of various colors, sizes, and shapes. Even if they are well organized.
It's usually nice to have matching glasses and dishes on the
shelves, but not everything is (or shouldn't) come as a set. In such a case,
use a container that gives a solid impression. Boxes, baskets, trays, magazine
files, etc. are all nice and easy to label. Yes, what looks simple is usually
easy to do.
5. Use a Storage Container that is Easy to Put in and Take
Don't take things too much trouble. You can use a box or
basket with an open mouth to easily organize and take out what you need. Save
the box with the lid for a deep storage space (basement, attic, etc.). In such
a place, it is more important that dust does not enter than the ease of putting
in and out.
6. Rethink the Space You Need
Regardless of the type and size of your home, it's easy to
store as much as you can. That's why, to keep things simple, choose to live in
a house that fits you best. In other words, the house is large enough for each
family to feel comfortable, but not large enough to have rarely used rooms.
7. Promote Digitization (back up in multiple ways)
Going paperless is a valuable goal that reduces
environmental impact while reducing home waste. The only thing to be aware of
is proper backup of the material. There's no piece of simplicity in finding a
replacement for lost data. For example, you can use an online “cloud” storage
service and back up to an external hard disk.
8. Create a Simple Mechanism
Routinization is important for a simple life. You don't
forget to brush your teeth and comb your hair every day, even if you don't pay
attention to it. If you're feeling frustrated at home (such as washing or
dinner on weekdays), think about how you can make it smoother (turn the washing
machine once a day, prepare your vegetables on Sundays). Etc.), and let go for
the next few weeks. After a month, you'll have a new habit.
9. Make a Simple Fun List and Enjoy One by one Everyday
We tend to relax and work hard until then, like on weekends.
But there are already so many lives! First make a list of things that you find
fun and moments, then keep them in your pocket and watch (and add to) every
time. Lists should be modest and easy to achieve and execute. For example, buy
bouquets at the market, special soaps, new books, walks after work, and so on.
10. Make a Home that Suits Your Life Style
If you have pets and children, choose furniture that isn't very delicate and has sturdy fabrics and finishes that are easy to care for. If you like to cook, take time to organize your cookware for ease of use. The bottom line is to make things as easy as possible for you.
By keeping your home organized around your lifestyle, you'll
spend less time struggling with things and more time for what's really
important: your loved ones, pets, experiences, and more.