Neck syndrome appears with a series of symptoms directly related to the use of the smartphone. Neck pain is the main symptom. Let's learn more about Neck Syndrome.

The term Neck Syndrome, also known as Turtle Neck Syndrome, was coined to refer to the common cause of this neck condition of using a cell phone. This syndrome was generalized as the use of electronic devices such as smartphones became common. 

Neck syndrome is a series of painful neck symptoms. Pain usually begins at the neck and extends to the shoulders and back, and may also have a headache. The biggest problem is pain, but there have been several medical warnings of other disorders caused by electronics for some time. Problems with screen lamp exposure and joint damage due to repeated movements. 

Neck Syndrome is most affected because young people use mobile devices longer. However, considering that there are about 3 billion mobile phone users around the world, the population is vulnerable to this condition.

Neck Syndrome is a recognized disease, although it has not yet been included in the international classification of diseases. It can be said to be a type of cervical pain or dizziness syndrome. However, in this particular case, neck pain is due to the location of the head. 

The fundamental problem is the head position directly related to the use of the mobile phone. However, it is the long-term abnormal head tilt that eventually causes pain. 

When the head is straight or in a normal neutral position, the weight of the head on the spine is about 4 to 4.5 kilograms. This is usually the weight of the skull.

Therefore, tilting your head forward increases the weight your neck must support. Simply moving at a 45-degree angle increases the weight.

Excessive use of mobile devices is one of the main causes of Neck syndrome.

Therefore, the problem is that such a posture becomes a habit, and the more the mobile phone is used, the greater the angle. This phenomenon occurs gradually, so many people hardly notice it. 

How about a computer?

Mobile phones have a larger head tilt than computers. Researchers also found that when a person uses a computer, the head's bias and the shoulder's height are low. 

Correct posture using a smartphone

There are three main concepts about the correct position of the body while using a smartphone. 

Keep your head in a 0 degree neutral position.

Always keep your arm on your smartphone at eye level so you don't push your skull down.

Rest your neck and change positions at various time intervals.

Since Neck Syndrome is also linked to the continued use of computers, the above recommendations also apply to computer use. Therefore, when using the computer, keep the head at 0 degrees. Raise the monitor to eye level and rest at regular intervals. 

Continued use of the computer

Neck pain can also occur when you spend a lot of time in front of a computer in an inappropriate position.

Prevention of Neck syndrome

No drastic measures are needed to prevent Neck syndrome. Here are some basic recommendations that you can apply immediately. 

Turn off the smartphone. In particular, the eyes and neck muscles should be relaxed off the screen of the mobile phone.

Turn on stretching. When not in use, move your head to stretch the neck muscles. You can also stretch your limbs to make your neck more comfortable.

Raise your arms and use supports. Keep the screen at eye level so your head is in a neutral position. Check the posture of the arm holding the phone and adjust the height of the desk and table.

Adjust the screen light. Phone light can irritate the eye muscles excessively, and these are related to neck contractions.

Don't use your phone after going to bed. It is common for people in bed to read and review messages. This leads to an unnatural posture because you have to forcibly raise your arms and irritate your eyesight and grab your neck without support.

If you have pain with Neck Syndrome, ask a healthcare professional. You should be able to diagnose the condition and soothe it through physical therapy and painkillers. It would be much easier if we could prevent the Neck without being too afraid.